URL: https://xunankab.github.io/
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Edge Computing Use Case
Jumpstart your prototyping without reinventing the wheel. The Intel® IoT Developer Program provides you with tools, templates, libraries, and more to accelerate IoT solution development.
URL: https://xunankab.github.io/
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Edge Computing Use Case
URL: https://github.com/AMLResearchProject/AML-Detection-System
The Peter Moss Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) Detection System is our open source demo project utilizing Intel technologies for deep learning neural networks on the edge, including classifiers for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia & natural language understanding.
URL: https://github.com/mathewonyango/Maseno
Writing Cv ,Resumes and cover letter has become tiresome, what about this, a web that collect your moves and achievements intellectually and build you profile from the analysis? Employers are given your URl to check on your progress and validate your ability from there!, this look trustful.
URL: https://github.com/rishabhbanga/Environment-Mapping-Robot
The project revolves around leveraging a RC car with a fairly decent USB camera. The processing -(inferencing) would be done using Intel's openVINO & object detection using Deep Learning (Convolutional Neural Networks). The latter's processing would be done via the NCS Movidius Stick.
URL: https://youtu.be/ebrRrPNV_Mo
Many industries claim that loss incurred to them is mainly due to the poor performance of the workers. Surveys reveal that disengaged workers are contributing $400 to $500 billion in lost revenue of the companies. ( Reference: http://boldculture.co/disengaged-workers-contributing-400-500-billion-lost-revenue/ ) It is reported that derelict workers contribute to 60% of the errors in the workspaces and 49% of the accidents. IMU systems available in the market cannot detect proxies, are not fool...
URL: https://github.com/Isha2109/IOT-Heath-Monitoring-System/tree/Isha2109-patch-1
With the help of this Project, we'd be able to detect and reduce the chances of heart failure by continuously monitoring the health of the patient with the help of this device. The doctor will keep a track of the Patient's health by observing the patterns on ThingSpeak. This increases the quality of life and reduces the probability of fatal life situations.
URL: https://youtu.be/erGao9XemVU
Ergonomics can roughly be defined as the study of people in their working environment. Ergonomics aims to improve workspaces and environments to minimize risk of injury or harm. Ergonomics aims to create safe, comfortable and productive workspaces by bringing human abilities and limitations into the design of a workspace, including the individual’s body size, strength, skill, speed, sensory abilities (vision, hearing), and even attitudes.
URL: https://github.com/ambakick/Person-Detection-and-Tracking
The Project focuses on a real time robust human detection and tracking system for video surveillance which can be used in varying environments. This system consists of human detection, human tracking and false object detection
URL: https://github.com/divyanshusharma1709/HackTillEnd/tree/master/HackTillEnd
This application creates a platform which can be used to report ongoing crimes/accidents in a realtime environment using Computer Vision(OpenCV and Firebase ML Kit). This allows community participation and makes every citizen accountable for the surveillance of crimes happening around them
URL: https://github.com/soja-soja/AIBirdWatching
In this project I going to use OPENVINO toolkit, to spot birds that come and go. Although seems like a pure entertainment project, this setup can be used for spotting intruders on surveillance cameras and will be extended to notify the delivery events.
URL: https://github.com/mksaraf
Most of elderly are not happy because of dependency, disability, isolation, loneliness, distress and so on. The most important reason is the poor resource and facility causing no or minimal care for elderly. So the question is "How can the AI technology help the elderly to improve the quality of life". We are building a customized AI based model to identify the specific needs of the person. The overall goal of this project to achieve all our goals, however we will build this application s...
URL: https://youtu.be/-jof2gpl7fw
We have built an Elderly fall detection system to detect the fall - Real time. It is a compact device and wireless too. Inside the room and also in the bathrooms, we shall detect the fall and alert the care takers immediately.
URL: https://github.com/SKKSaikia/FractalP2
To test parallelsim, fractal calculation serves as the best example due to its compute heavy nature. Instruction (SIMD, AVX etc) comparisons with speed & graph of power of parallelisation for: vanilla (base program) : vanilla.c ⌘ implicit-simd : implicit-simd.c ⌘ openmp-simd : openmp-simd.c ⌘ cilkplus-simd : cilkplus-simd.c ⌘ explicit-simd : explicit-simd.c ⌘ openmp-loop : openmp-loop.c ⌘ cilkplus-loop : cilkplus-loop.c ⌘ thread-loop : thread-loop.c ⌘ openmp-offload : openmp-offload.c ⌘ o...
URL: https://github.com/SKKSaikia/self-driving-car-SKK
Autonomous driving for a radio controlled car with Deep Learning
URL: https://github.com/ravish1729/Q-routing
Implementation of Q-routing using nRF24l01 radio modules.
URL: https://github.com/Gauravsahadev/Weather_station-mqtt-using-ubidots-/blob/master/WeatherStation.ino
URL: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-96136-1_4
Graphs represent our social networks in social media applications, navigation within a website, and any other data which focuses on the relationship between items. Understanding the association between elements is crucial to the development of algorithms which use these relationships to make artificially intelligent decisions. These algorithms recommend new connections on social media, suggest new products for purchase by a customer, serve relevant ads to users, and many other personalization...
URL: https://github.com/TebogoNakampe/GroceryNet
GroceryNet at the Edge
URL: https://github.com/ashwanidv100/sample-tensorflow-imageclassifier
In order to provide the blind people hearable environment, this project focuses on the field of assistive devices for visual impairment people. It converts the visual data by image and video processing into an alternate rendering modality that will be appropriate for a blind user. The alternate modalities can be auditory, haptic, or a combination of both. Therefore, the use of artificial intelligence for modality conversion, from the visual modality to another.
URL: https://github.com/MiniMarvin/markme_ai
A cargo management system that uses RFID technology to track packages and find if this package was stolen or misdirected, some prediction AI algorithms run over it allowing risk prediction to increase and time average to be read.