On the 21st, I had the opportunity to share knowledge and evangelize about generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies at ONOVOLAB powered by Instituto Credicitus, an innovation space driven by the excellent work of Instituto Credicitus. During the event, I contextualized Intel's technologies, providing a detailed overview of each of them.
We delved into oneAPI, a unified application programming interface that allows for the simplified and efficient development of software. We the...
In the prestigious national level competition "iBeTo Excel" organized by Government Model Engineering College, Kerala, we are thrilled to have secured the 1st place and the esteemed Most Socially Relevant Project award. Our project, Trafomatic Network of Emergency Vehicle (TNEV), has been recognized for its innovation and impact. We are grateful for the opportunity and the cash prize of Rs. 40k which further motivates us to continue developing solutions that make a positive difference in society
In the highly esteemed international competition organized by Vel Tech in association with "UNESCO", we proudly emerged as the champions, securing the 1st place with our groundbreaking project, "Trafomatic Network of Emergency Vehicle (TNEV)". Our project was recognized as the best project of 2022, showcasing our team's innovative approach and dedication to creating impactful solutions. We are immensely grateful for this honor by the "UNESCO" Brand ambassador himself.
L'elaborazione di eventi in tempo reale può rappresentare una sfida ardua, ma i servizi di Azure forniscono gli strumenti per semplificarla. In questa sessione, esploreremo la elaborazione di flussi con Azure Stream Analytics, l'ingestione di eventi con Azure Event Hubs e la visualizzazione dei dati con Azure Time Series Insights. Imparerai come usare i servizi di Azure per creare soluzioni di elaborazione di eventi in tempo reale altamente scalabili e affidabili. Con Azure, puoi conquistare anc
L'Internet delle Cose (IoT) è una frontiera in continua evoluzione, e con i servizi Azure, ci stiamo spingendo coraggiosamente dove nessun IoT è mai giunto prima. In questa sessione, esploreremo come i servizi Azure stanno trasformando il mondo dell'IoT con tecnologie all'avanguardia come il cloud edge computing e l'intelligenza artificiale. Approfondiremo i modi in cui i servizi Azure aiutano le imprese a gestire e monitorare i loro dispositivi IoT con facilità, dalla raccolta dei dati alla ges
Using AI in EDGE or semi connected devices is becoming increasingly important in major markets and industrial sectors. The exploitation of neural networks and inference algorithms in disconnected or semi-disconnected scenarios allows to implement solutions for object recognition, recognition or generation of text or spoken language, personal assistants, industrial control systems, surveillance systems. Let's find out how to do it using Cognitive Services and IoT tools.
Utilizzare la AI nei dispositivi EDGE sta divenendo sempre più di primaria importanza nei principali mercati e settori industriali. Lo sfruttamento di reti neurali e algoritmi di inferenza in scenari disconnessi o semi disconnessi permette di implementare soluzioni di riconoscimento di oggetti, riconoscimento o generazione di testo o linguaggio parlato, assistenti personali, sistemi di controllo industriale, sistemi di sorveglianza. Scopriamo come farlo utilizzando i Cognitive Services e i tool
Using AI in EDGE devices is becoming increasingly important in major markets and industrial sectors. The exploitation of neural networks and inference algorithms in disconnected or semi-disconnected scenarios allows to implement solutions for object recognition, recognition or generation of text or spoken language, personal assistants, industrial control systems, surveillance systems. Let's find out how to do it using Cognitive Services and IoT tools.
Con la crescente necessità' di sistemi IoT sul mercato, e la crescente lista di caratteristiche e dati che questi sistemi devono gestire, la sicurezza sta divenendo un punto focale che dobbiamo porre al centro fin dalle fasi di progetto. Vediamo insieme i punti principali che dobbiamo tener bene in mente per progettare il nostro sistema IoT Sicuro!
The dangerous and adventurous journey of simple telemetry in search of the ultimate storage and perfect persistence. From an RTOS device up to the cloud, fighting between certificates, tokens, and access keys in search of the entrance to the IoT Hub to finally be able to find its place in the heaven of Serverless. Will our telemetry be able to find its desired Durable Entity and present itself in all its splendour to the management console of our platform? Come and find out in this end-to-end se
With the increasing need for IoT systems on the market, and the growing list of features and data that those systems need to manage, security is becoming a central point that we need to put at center of design phase. Let's see together the focal point we have to keep in mind to design our Secure System !
Tutte le mattine, un device si sveglia sapendo che dovrà inviare le proprie telemetrie al cloud e sperando che queste possano concludere il loro periglioso viaggio tra connessioni protette e connettività incerta per giungere, infine, nella vostra soluzione di analisi. In questa sessione rivivremo questo viaggio avventuroso partendo dal device, passando per IoTHub e arrivando, finalmente, nella soluzione Serverless realizzata con Azure Functions.
Live virtual presentation to the public. The content presented the relationship of Metaverse with computer vision and deep learning, openCV, openVINO and oneAPI in Iris Xe Max, Intel GPU, Omniverse, NVIDIA and others.
Computing technology focused on providing business functional solutions. Business demands have evolved towards data-centric requirements, addressed by Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, which have became applicable and feasible in the past few years, driven by the Accelerated computing technology evolvement.
This campaign focuses on Accelerated Computing and High Performance Computing technologies, as the enablement cornerstone for our new data-centric computing world.
A presentation around Custom Vision and Intel Myriad and his applications, such Intel Neural Stick 2 and Azure Percept. Of course will be covered Intel Open VINO.
A presentation around Custom Vision and Intel Myriad and his applications, such Intel Neural Stick 2 and Azure Percept. Of course will be covered Intel Open VINO.
A presentation around Custom Vision and Intel Myriad and his applications, such Intel Neural Stick 2 and Azure Percept. Of course will be covered Intel Open VINO.
A presentation around Custom Vision and Intel Myriad and his applications, such Intel Neural Stick 2 and Azure Percept. Of course will be covered Intel Open VINO.
Delivered a talk during the Week FDP conducted by Rajalakshmi Engineering College.