Ultrasonic Sight is an electronic device for mobility, sociality and welfare of blind and visuall... 13 6 0 Ultrasonic Sight Fabrizio Lapiello Created: 11/15/2015
Demo for IDF16. How about driving a robotic wheelchair using facial expressions, head movement, e... 6 3 0 Wheelie - Using Intel RealSense Technology to drive Wheelchairs. Paulo Gurgel Pinheiro Created: 03/24/2016
ViVACITY is a life monitoring system that runs hidden behind a robot. 6 0 0 ViVACITY - A Life Monitoring System Hidden Behind an AI Robot. Paulo Gurgel Pinheiro Created: 08/27/2016
A 2,200+ LED, 4.5' diameter, 12-sided art installation. "Digital stained-glass" controlled by pro... 13 1 0 Stoicheia - Pantheon Lilli Szafranski Created: 09/23/2016
An easier way to use Intel 3d Cameras. Custom poses, gestures and much more. 6 1 0 SharpSenses Andre Carlucci Created: 11/14/2015
The photobooth uses RealSense to insert users into environment images without the need for green ... 5 0 1 RealSense Photobooth Justin Link Created: 02/15/2016
Build a mobile app for your connected project or product in less than 5 minutes 6 0 2 Blynk Pavel Bayborodin Created: 01/15/2016