URL: https://xunankab.github.io/
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Edge Computing Use Case
Drive faster breakthroughs through faster code: Get more results on your hardware today and carry your code forward to the future with code modernization.
URL: https://xunankab.github.io/
Unmanned Aircraft Systems Edge Computing Use Case
URL: https://github.com/abhijitmjj/Prediction-of-epidemic-disease-dynamics-using-Machine-learning-model
Reliable predictions of infectious disease dynamics can be valuable to public health organisations that plan interventions to decrease or prevent disease transmission. With the big data growth in healthcare and biomedical sector, accurate analysis of such data could help in early disease detection and better patient care. With the availability of huge computational power at hand, it is now very much viable to exploit the ‘big data’ for predicting and managing an epidemic outbreak. Our idea is...
URL: https://github.com/saikarthik952/flutter_recognize
Cross Platform Mobile App which recognises Text Face and gives Labels
URL: https://github.com/Nilex-Shinde/Recommender-system-using-ML
In this project i have cleaned an amazon dataset of 500 products and then performed sentiment analysis on the product description and recommended most relevant products based on the results.
URL: https://github.com/akhilboddu/VentureCapitalTool_algorithm
The biggest thing of all investment companies, Venture Capitalists, Angel Investors or incubators and accelerators look for is how much profit a business can actually make in the future. So this model basically predicts how much profit a business would potentially make based on how much they spend on R&D, Administration, and Marketing.
URL: https://github.com/napat99/Jum
How was your day? Do you think about this question a lot? Jum helps you reflect on what makes you happy (or sad) in each of your day through an easy daily journey. Machine Learning is applied to make suggestions on how to live happier days.
URL: https://github.com/ZeusWPI/MOZAIC
A platform for easily building your own AI competition. Whether you want to create fun game for kids to learn to code, or an audacious challenge for the best in the field, you shouldn't have to write everything from scratch again. With MOZAIC you can focus on your competition and your users!
URL: https://github.com/prateeknepali07/sample
Based on women safety
URL: https://github.com/khristof?tab=repositories
Some words are not as descriptive at the way a descriptive word places before the topic of a Concept changes the outcome summery of the topic.
URL: https://github.com/SKKSaikia/SpaceXland
Reinforcement Learning and PPO to land Falcon Heavy
URL: https://github.com/TebogoNakampe/GroceryNet
GroceryNet at the Edge
URL: https://github.com/ashwanidv100/sample-tensorflow-imageclassifier
In order to provide the blind people hearable environment, this project focuses on the field of assistive devices for visual impairment people. It converts the visual data by image and video processing into an alternate rendering modality that will be appropriate for a blind user. The alternate modalities can be auditory, haptic, or a combination of both. Therefore, the use of artificial intelligence for modality conversion, from the visual modality to another.
URL: https://github.com/ksajan/AI-Interior
It is the one-one mapping of the features of the wall extracted from the different room pic provided by the user/customers to the color pallets. this project give the user variety of option where he choose the color option and design option from the results which are given by the program.
URL: https://github.com/MiniMarvin/markme_ai
A cargo management system that uses RFID technology to track packages and find if this package was stolen or misdirected, some prediction AI algorithms run over it allowing risk prediction to increase and time average to be read.
URL: https://github.com/avirup171/vams
We may face situations, when we may have to leave our car for some other drivers and we may not be present to monitor the driving conditions. We may also face a devastating situation where we meet with an accident, and we may need to analyse what exactly went wrong. In these cases, the only way out is to monitor the live data from a vehicle.
URL: http://www.chesf.gov.br/Pages/default.aspx
A New Infrastructure for Control Centers Integrating SCADA / EMS Systems, Alarms Treatment, Qualimetry, Oscillography and GIS Basis
Bruno Rafael Araujo Vasconcelos
URL: https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/B07C49CVC1?
RocketML is a super fast scale-out system for both Training machine learning models and Pre-processing steps. As data gets larger, machine learning steps gets slower making data scientists job tedious. A distributed system like RocketML shortens model training and processing tasks from days to minutes. RocketML is built to stitch together a large number of powerful Xeon processors to scale efficiently. Every component of the software is tuned so that the system is pushed to the limits of A...
URL: https://github.com/prateekiiest/Code-Sleep-Python
This repository contains a curated list of some of the awesome small projects made in Python
URL: https://github.com/TechTouchABI/MAB-AI
Maximize the reward obtained by successively playing gamble machines (the ‘arms’ of the bandits) Invented in early 1950s by Robbins to model decision making under uncertainty when the environment is unknown The lotteries are unknown ahead of time.
URL: https://github.com/GeekyShiva/Self-Driving-Car
The purpose of this document is to provide a debriefed view of requirements and specifications of the project called Volante. The goal of this project is to make an autonomous self-driving car, capable of manoeuvring around bends, avoiding obstacles and following traffic signals and road signs. The tools used in this project and described in this document are: TensorFlow library for machine learning Vision API by Google Cloud Platform and TensorFlow. The hardware used in this proj...