Maximize the reward obtained by successively playing gamble machines (the ‘arms’ of the bandits) Invented in early 1950s by Robbins to model decision making under uncertainty when the environment is unknown The lotteries are unknown ahead of time.
The application is designed to use augmented reality to support the set-up and relayout operations of the line workstations, ensuring compliance with the rules of ergonomics and the physical spaces occupied by the various components and reducing the risk of errors and the resulting costs.
Not many things besides pinball machines incorporate both artistic, fabrication, and technical skills. This project incorporates various fully-custom parts cut with CNC machines, assembled including with custom graphics, and controlled with an Intel NUC type device.
Plataforma que permite que escores de jogos clássicos do mundo Open Source e outros escritos em JS, sejam transmitidos para um serviço web onde as escolas podem acompanhar o desempenho dos estudantes cadastrados.
Platform that allows scores of classic Open Source and other JS written games to be transmitted to a web service where schools can track the performance of registered students.