
Join the cloud-native revolution. Collaborate, innovate, and accelerate with Intel technologies in the cloud.

WPC Italy 2022 - Costruire dispositivi AI enabled in scenari semi-connessi.

WPC Italy 2022 - Costruire dispositivi AI enabled in scenari semi-connessi.

Utilizzare la AI nei dispositivi EDGE sta divenendo sempre più di primaria importanza nei principali mercati e settori industriali. Lo sfruttamento di reti neurali e algoritmi di inferenza in scenari disconnessi o semi disconnessi permette di implementare soluzioni di riconoscimento di oggetti, riconoscimento o generazione di testo o linguaggio parlato, assistenti personali, sistemi di controllo industriale, sistemi di sorveglianza. Scopriamo come farlo utilizzando i Cognitive Services e i tool

Data Saturday Sofia 2022 - Build AI enabled devices in semi-connected scenarios.

Data Saturday Sofia 2022 - Build AI enabled devices in semi-connected scenarios.

Using AI in EDGE devices is becoming increasingly important in major markets and industrial sectors. The exploitation of neural networks and inference algorithms in disconnected or semi-disconnected scenarios allows to implement solutions for object recognition, recognition or generation of text or spoken language, personal assistants, industrial control systems, surveillance systems. Let's find out how to do it using Cognitive Services and IoT tools.

1nn0va Saturday Pordenone 2022 - Progetta e realizza il tuo sistema ed infrastruttura IoT Sicuro

1nn0va Saturday Pordenone 2022 - Progetta e realizza il tuo sistema ed infrastruttura IoT Sicuro

Con la crescente necessità' di sistemi IoT sul mercato, e la crescente lista di caratteristiche e dati che questi sistemi devono gestire, la sicurezza sta divenendo un punto focale che dobbiamo porre al centro fin dalle fasi di progetto. Vediamo insieme i punti principali che dobbiamo tener bene in mente per progettare il nostro sistema IoT Sicuro!

AI and IoT Bulgaria Summit - From RTOS to Serverless: the journey of a telemetry!

AI and IoT Bulgaria Summit - From RTOS to Serverless: the journey of a telemetry!

The dangerous and adventurous journey of simple telemetry in search of the ultimate storage and perfect persistence. From an RTOS device up to the cloud, fighting between certificates, tokens, and access keys in search of the entrance to the IoT Hub to finally be able to find its place in the heaven of Serverless. Will our telemetry be able to find its desired Durable Entity and present itself in all its splendour to the management console of our platform? Come and find out in this end-to-end se

AI and IoT Bulgaria Summit - Design and architect your Secure IoT system and infrastructure

AI and IoT Bulgaria Summit - Design and architect your Secure IoT system and infrastructure

With the increasing need for IoT systems on the market, and the growing list of features and data that those systems need to manage, security is becoming a central point that we need to put at center of design phase. Let's see together the focal point we have to keep in mind to design our Secure System !

Le peripezie di una telemetria dal device al backend Serverless

Le peripezie di una telemetria dal device al backend Serverless

Tutte le mattine, un device si sveglia sapendo che dovrà inviare le proprie telemetrie al cloud e sperando che queste possano concludere il loro periglioso viaggio tra connessioni protette e connettività incerta per giungere, infine, nella vostra soluzione di analisi. In questa sessione rivivremo questo viaggio avventuroso partendo dal device, passando per IoTHub e arrivando, finalmente, nella soluzione Serverless realizzata con Azure Functions.

A Day with Intel oneAPI

A Day with Intel oneAPI

This event is being organized by Cyber Security Club Sukkur IBA University with the collaboration of the Computer Science Department, Sukkur IBA Student Council, and MLSA Club Sukkur IBA. The workshop will be held in person at Sukkur IBA Main Campus

Inauguration of ONOVOLAB

Inauguration of ONOVOLAB

oneAPI at the opening of ONOVOLAB powered by Instituto Credicitrus now in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo - Brazil. The Innovation Marathon marked the arrival of ONOVOLAB in Ribeirão Preto. The event started at 09:00 and ended at 18:00. The invitation was for everyone in Brazil, at the event it was even possible to work (if necessary) using the ONOVOLAB space.

Presentation of Computer Vision Technology and Facial Biometrics with Intel

Presentation of Computer Vision Technology and Facial Biometrics with Intel

Presentation of Intel-powered cloud facial biometrics solution at Intel Brazil headquarters in São Paulo for Intel's main customers in Brazil.

Metaverse, AI and Computer Vision

Metaverse, AI and Computer Vision

Live virtual presentation to the public. The content presented the relationship of Metaverse with computer vision and deep learning, openCV, openVINO and oneAPI in Iris Xe Max, Intel GPU, Omniverse, NVIDIA and others.

Global AI Bootcamp Lisboa 2022 - Edge as in Computer Vision Edge

Global AI Bootcamp Lisboa 2022 - Edge as in Computer Vision Edge

A presentation around Custom Vision and Intel Myriad and his applications, such Intel Neural Stick 2 and Azure Percept. Of course will be covered Intel Open VINO.