NeuralTalks - S2
NeuralTalks - S2 (Presentation)
NeuralTalks - S2 (Presentation)
Discussion on Various Neural Networks - S2 - Episode 7
Graphics for Deeplearning (Presentation)
NeuralTalks - S2 (Presentation)
This session focused mainly on how important the graphics for different workloads in the deep learning model training and inferencing and how to leverage the benefit of graphics for the same. This session also had shown benchmarks of Iris Xe to display how good the current state of the graphics is.
Discussed various neural networks - S2 - Episode 6
NeuralTalks - S2 (Presentation)
Discussed various neural networks - S2 - Episode5
NeuralTalks - S2 (Technical Training)
Discussed various neural networks - Season2 - Episode4
AI Awareness - India (Presentation)
AI Awareness - India (Presentation)
NeuralTalks - S2 (Presentation)
NeuralTalks - S2 (Presentation)
NeuralTalks - S2 (Technical Training)
The AI Ladder (Presentation)
AMA in AI (Meeting Host)
The AI Ladder for businesses (Presentation)
AI for business professionals (Presentation)
Deeplearning for vision (Technical Training)