Attendance taking has become an integral part in today’s collegiate world. It is necessary to inc... 7 0 0 Automated Attendance system using Deep Learning prinicples and Movidus Neural Compute Stick Chandrasekaran Anirudh Bhardwaj Created: 03/27/2018
iOty is a project that implements DNNs at the edge for fast inference compared to a cloud-only ap... 24 2 2 iOty Dave Ojika Created: 09/06/2017
Deep learning image-to-image translation on a low-powered Pocket Chip 24 1 0 Cats in my Pocket Daniel Whitenack Created: 08/30/2017
Build a mobile app for your connected project or product in less than 5 minutes 6 0 2 Blynk Pavel Bayborodin Created: 01/15/2016
Navigation and 2D mapping using ultrasound 25 0 0 2D mapping using SONAR Avirup Basu Created: 08/31/2017