Summon the power of evil and command skeletons to defeat knights as you spread darkness across th... 9 0 1 The Risen Justin Link Created: 11/16/2015
A robot that bring workers to be in a few seconds in every plant in the world through VR experience 0 0 0 Telepresence VR Robot Fablab Lecce Created: 09/13/2016
Library to control Orbotix Sphero using RealSense 18 0 0 SpheroX Matteo Valoriani Created: 12/09/2015
Explore the ocean by controlling different sea creatures and machines as you discover what secret... 32 0 1 Space Between Justin Link Created: 11/16/2015
Drill Sergeant Simulator focuses on providing an immersive RealSense™ gaming experience with emph... 31 0 1 Drill Sergeant Simulator Silviu-Tudor Serban Created: 02/10/2016
A breakthrough tablet and 2-in-1 PC that delivers more versatility and built-in storage, than any... 0 0 0 ConsoleTab Christopher Price Created: 08/09/2016
Affordable and easy-to-use 3D scanning solution for e-commerce, VR/AR apps, 3D content production... 1 0 0 Cappasity Easy 3D Booth Kosta Popov Created: 11/24/2015
Use a R200 Realsense Camera to create a virtual environment and shoot targets that will be appear... 36 2 0 ARcade ARchers Pedro Kayatt Created: 11/27/2015