IOT Field Trip - AMTRAK Capitol Corridor Train - San Jose to Santa Clara
IOT Field Trip - AMTRAK Capitol Corridor Train - San Jose to Santa Clara (Booth) (IoT)
IOT Field Trip - AMTRAK Capitol Corridor Train - San Jose to Santa Clara (Booth) (IoT)
Launch of LRCCD ACM Student Chapter and Talk on AI, Machine Learning and IOT (Training) (Artificial Intelligence)
Talk on AI & ML at National Academy of Science Panel Data Driven Safety Analysis (Speaking) (Artificial Intelligence)
ICT Council Meeting and Regional Advisory Meeting Fall 2018 (Booth) (Artificial Intelligence)
AI, Machine Learning and IOT accelerating VR and AR (Speaking) (Artificial Intelligence)
Re-Play of Future Worlds Symposium organized by ACM Sacramento Chapter (Meet Up) (IoT)
Attended Invited Google Cloud Summit at Seattle (Artificial Intelligence)
Presenting PeopleSense at Future Worlds Symposium (Booth) (Artificial Intelligence)
Future Worlds Symposium (Workshop) (IoT)
Mock Sessions for Future Worlds Symposium at City Hall Council Chambers (Training) (IoT)
Replay of IOT DevFest 3 Sessions and Mentoring Calls (Training) (IoT)
ACM Sacramento Chapter Distinguished Speaker Talk -Feb 2018 - Harsh (Demo) (Virtual Reality)
Planning for ACM Online Virtual Education Sessions and Holiday Party (Content) (Artificial Intelligence)
Mentoring on Nepris Platform - Nov 2017 - Harsh (Speakerships) (Artificial Intelligence)
Talk on Data Science: What are the Implications for Managers? - Oct 2017 - Harsh (Meet Up) (Artificial Intelligence)
Participation, Demos and Presentation of PeopleSense Technology - Oct 2017 - Harsh (Speakerships) (IoT)
Mentorship for students of Sacramento New Technology High School Robotics Class 2017 -Sept 2017 - Harsh (Demo) (Artificial Intelligence)
Talk on What is Data Science and How is it Changing the Workplace? Sept 2017 - Harsh (Host) (Artificial Intelligence)
Panel on Life-Cycle of an IOT Project - July 2017 - Harsh (Speakerships) (IoT)
IoT Hackathon and Workshop (Demo) (Artificial Intelligence)