VR Lab Inauguration and VR Dem Presentations
VR Lab Inauguration and VR Dem Presentations (Demo) (Virtual Reality)
VR Lab Inauguration and VR Dem Presentations (Demo) (Virtual Reality)
Route Fifty Roadshow: Government in the Age of the Customer (Build) (IoT)
Prep Time - Workshop on IOT, AI and Machine Learning (Workshop) (IoT)
Workshops on IOT, AR, VR and OpenVINO and Movidius ToolSets (Training) (IoT)
Intel IOT DevFest IV Panel - Challenges for Industrial IOT (Speaking) (IoT)
Ninja IOT Innovation (Speaking) (IoT)
ARMA Conference Sacramento (Booth) (Artificial Intelligence)
Automotive IOT Training Discussion - IOT World (Social Media) (Artificial Intelligence)
Training on Intel Movidius and OpenVINO for Imaging and Crash Analytics (Training) (Artificial Intelligence)
Intel IOT, AI and OpenVINO Technologies for ACM Codeathon 2019 (Training) (IoT)
Augmented Reality - ACM Sacramento Chapter Meetup along with Dr Jon Peddie (Speakerships) (Virtual Reality)
Introduction to Intel Movidius for AI at the Edge to Health Hackathon (Speakerships) (Artificial Intelligence)
ACM Future Worlds Symposium Introduction at California State Capitol (Social Media) (Artificial Intelligence)
Secure Device Provisioning Talk (Speaking) (IoT)
VR Experience Demos (Demo) (Virtual Reality)
AI at the Edge - Intel Movidius and OpenVINO (Speaking) (Artificial Intelligence)
National Academy of Science Panel on Data Driven Safety Analysis (Content) (IoT)
Intel OpenVINO Toolkit Workshop (Workshop) (IoT)
Post-CES Workshop on Driving Innovation and Accelerating IoT Adoption (Workshop) (IoT)
Customer Challenges for AI, Machine Learning and IOT (Workshop) (Artificial Intelligence)