Intel IOT Innovator Workshop - Perspectives on Big data, Machine Learning & AI
Intel IOT Innovator Workshop - Perspectives on Big data, Machine Learning & AI (Speakerships) (IoT)
Intel IOT Innovator Workshop - Perspectives on Big data, Machine Learning & AI (Speakerships) (IoT)
Intel Innovator Advisory Board Meeting (Workshop) (IoT)
Intel OpenVINO Sessions for Sac State Progressive Hackathon (Workshop) (IoT)
Sac State Carlson Center Toolkit Series (Meet Up) (IoT)
ACM Sac State Students Progressive Hackathon (Speaking) (IoT)
Lifograph Virtual Meet and Talk on IOT and AI (Booth) (IoT)
AWS IOT Use Case Demos (Demo) (IoT)
Challenges of Power Systems and Innovative IOT POC in Energy Sector (Demo) (IoT)
Microsoft IOT and AI Insider Lab and IIMprint 2020 (Speakerships) (IoT)
User Group Meeting Workshop and Presentation at AC Transit (Workshop) (IoT)
DeveloperWeek 2020 (Meet Up) (IoT)
Software AG IoT Solutions Catalog Sheets Presentation (Booth) (IoT)
Ag Innovation Forum: Ag, Food, and Health: An Integrated Approach and IoT (Meet Up) (Artificial Intelligence)
ACM Chapter Distinguished Speaker Talk and Discussions (Speaking) (Artificial Intelligence)
Technical Meet Presentations - Hello! Anyone There (Speaking) (Artificial Intelligence)
Information & Communications Technology (ICT) Regional Advisory Meeting (Meet Up) (Artificial Intelligence)
Microsoft IOT-in-Action (Speaking) (Artificial Intelligence)
Future Worlds Symposium (Speaking) (IoT)
Intel Developer Day - Poster Session on PeopleSense Technology (Meet Up) (IoT)
Booth at India Day - McClellan Conference Center (Booth) (IoT)