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A Parallel Max-Miner Algorithm For An Efficient Association Rules Learning (ARL) And Knowledge Mining Using The Intel® oneAPI Toolkit

URL: https://github.com/arthurratz/intel_max_miner_oneapi


This project demonstrates the using of the Intel® oneAPI library to deliver a modern code in Data Parallel C++, implementing a Parallel Max-Miner algorithm to optimize the performance of the association rules learning (ARL) process



URL: http://hpctoolkit.org/


HPCToolkit is an open-source performance tool that is in some respects similar to VTune, though it also works on Power and ARM architectures. It also works on NVIDIA and AMD GPUs. Our aim is to also use it for performance analysis of Intel GPUs with Intel’s OpenCL to our targets as a prelude to A0



URL: graph order


Test Project for Graph Theoretical Calculation https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/4586138


Open-source Scientific Applications and Benchmarks

URL: https://github.com/zjin-lcf/oneAPI-DirectProgramming


This repository contains a collection of data-parallel programs for evaluating oneAPI direct programming. Each program is written with CUDA, SYCL, and OpenMP target offloading. Intel® DPC++ Compatibility Tool (DPCT) can convert a CUDA program to a SYCL program


Pro TBB Book code samples ported to oneAPI

URL: https://github.com/Apress/pro-TBB


The latest book on Threading Building Blocks (TBB) was recently published by Apress. The book comes with code samples available on GitHub. This project intends to port some of the examples to oneAPI to take advantage of the new features of this promising heterogeneous programming model.


Improving OpenCL-on-FPGA programmability via host-code autogeneration

URL: https://github.com/VTSynergy/MetaMorph


Productive OpenCL programming is inhibited by the need to create and maintain a verbose host-to-device interface to prepare and utilize on-device computational kernels. This project seeks to extend an auto-generator for this boilerplate to offline-compiled kernels running on Intel FPGAs.


Chest X-Ray Computer Aided Diagnosis using Deep Learning

URL: https://bitbucket.org/abhijit038/chest-x-ray-computer-aided-diagnosis-using-deep-learning/src/master/


Chest X-Rays are the most common and cost-effective radiology studies for diagnosing various lung disease. We created an end-to-end Deep learning solution for Chest X-ray diagnosis. It will be a cost-effective solution for rural population with inadequate access to diagnostic imaging specialists.


GitHub WebHooks Wrapper

URL: https://github.com/CodeAayu/devFestBackEnd


A simple Django Server to capture all the GitHub WebHooks for the organization and creating a RESTful API endpoint to get those in whatever platform(Android, Web app, website,etc) the organization will like to get.
