Virtual Engagements: Confronting Fears- Heights
Timothy Porter
Austin, Texas
VR Therapy for mental health with gradated levels and a safeguard to escape allowing for an effective individualized engagement. ...learn more
Virtual Reality, Mobile, Internet of Things, Game Development
Overview / Usage
Virtual Reality Therapy (VRT) allows the immersion of an individual into an environment that would otherwise be unsafe, unwise, or impractical for treatment of mental health issues. Creating a more effective protocol with level gradations and challenges that progress from animated sketches to realistic imagery with safeguards to escape to custom Serenity Levels allows for gradual engagement at the user’s discretion. This new hybrid method is known as Deferred Individualized Gradated Immersion Therapy (D.I.G.I.T.).
The commercial availability and affordability of virtual reality gear now allows for VRT to be an effective method that can be accessed worldwide with or without the help of a medical professional. Our product will be platform agnostic to break down some of the barriers of accessibility. We want to shatter the stigma and negativity associated with seeking treatment for mental health issues. Our content will address issues like phobias, PTSD, Autism, relaxation skills, stress relief, and diseases that afflict our elderly such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia among others. To meet our goals of outreach we plan to provide headsets and content to those more vulnerable populations like the homeless, incarcerated, underprivileged, or impoverished.