Ripunjay Deka


Future of Semiconductor

What’s the Future of the Semiconductor Industry? The future of the semiconductor industry is in leveraging technology trends like artificial intelligence (AI) and the internet of things (IoT). Those who can leverage AI and IoT to innovate will be successful in the future of the semiconductor industry.

IOT In Semiconductor

The Internet of Things (IoT), deemed to be the next growth engine for the semiconductor industry, is a huge market for IC design and semiconductor and IC. It is in the thick of things, in recent times, due to the creation of significant business opportunities. There is no denying that the advent of IoT has significantly influenced the Sensor adoption.

IOT (Internet Of Things)

What is the Internet of Things (IoT)? The Internet of things, often known as IoT, has successfully impacted our everyday life in recent years to the point where even non-technological people have begun to make use of the ease, comfort, and vital information they offer. You already know how handy IoT is in your daily life from connected home hubs, smart thermostats, remote door locks, and every app-controlled device. The relevance of IoT for industrial applications and daily use ...

IOT In Agriculture

The IoT technology has realized the smart wearable's, connected devices, automated machines, and driverless cars. However, in agriculture, the IoT has brought the greatest impact. Recent statistics reveal that the global population is about to reach 9.6 billion by 2050. And to feed this massive population, the agriculture industry is bounded to adopt the Internet of Things. Amongst the challenges like extreme weather conditions, climatic changes, environmental impact, IoT is eradicating th...

Mobile App Framework

A mobile app framework is a software creation platform that includes tools and software, compilers, debugging tools, and programming interfaces, among other things. Thus, a developer creates the application’s source code and the framework and uses various elements to generate the application for the different mobile devices.

Space Technology

Space technology is technology for use in travel or activities beyond Earth’s atmosphere, for purposes such as spaceflight or space exploration. Space technology includes space vehicles such as spacecraft, satellites, space stations and orbital launch vehicles; deep-space communication; in-space propulsion; and a wide variety of other technologies including support infrastructure equipment, and procedures.

Back-end Development

Backend web development involves building all the aspects of a website that are not visible to the users but are essential for the proper working and functioning of the website. It is the behind-the-scenes function of different web applications and involves creating and maintaining the code that runs a website smoothly.

Front End Web Development

Front-end development (Client-side development) is the process of using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a graphical user interface for a website or web application so that users can interact with them. By using graphical methods, the complex backend portion is represented in an understandable way for the end-user. In the event that your application’s frontend works seamlessly, users are likely to love it and recommend it to others.

Block Chain Technology

A blockchain is a distributed database or ledger that is shared among the nodes of a computer network. As a database, a blockchain stores information electronically in digital format. Blockchains are best known for their crucial role in cryptocurrency systems, such as Bitcoin, for maintaining a secure and decentralized record of transactions. The innovation with a blockchain is that it guarantees the fidelity and security of a record of data and generates trust without the need for a trusted thi

Embedded System

Embedded System An embedded system is an electronic system that has a software and is embedded in computer hardware. It is programmable or non- programmable depending on the application. An Embedded system is defined as a way of working, organizing, performing single or multiple tasks according to a set of rules.

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