Surface quality is the essential parameter for steel sheet. In a steel industry manual review fo... 7 0 0 Using Machine Learning to detect defects on the steel surface SAURABH GHATNEKAR Created: 04/30/2018
Medical image datasets are predominantly composed of “normal” samples with only a small percentag... 6 0 0 Deep Learning for Analysis of Imbalanced Medical Image Datasets Subhashis Banerjee Created: 06/06/2018
Emotion detection from Facial images using Deep learning on Intel architecture. 1 0 0 EmoClassifier Shaury Baranwal Created: 07/15/2018
Among brain tumors, gliomas are the most aggressive and common, leading to a very short life expe... 1 0 0 CNN for Brain Tumor Segmentation Subhashis Banerjee Created: 06/07/2018