In this Game we have a very realistic horror approach with very intriguing characters that will m... Runs Great withIntel® Iris™ Graphics 8 1 1 Zombie Apocalypse Abhishek Nandy Created: 03/31/2019
Reliable predictions of infectious disease dynamics can be valuable to public health organisation... 7 0 0 Prediction Of Epidemic disease dynamics using Machine Learning Abhijit Gupta Created: 12/02/2018
The project revolves around leveraging a RC car with a fairly decent USB camera. The processing -... 8 0 1 ENVIRONMENT MAPPING ROBOT Rishabh Banga Created: 11/22/2018
The process involves discovering new Drugs and Identifying them using Open Vino converting it in ... 7 0 2 Exploring Drug Discovery using Open Vino and WinML Abhishek Nandy Created: 03/31/2019
We are working to find how Reinforcement Learning works to find a target dynamically.We have used... 6 0 2 Unity ML Agents_New_multiple Agents Abhishek Nandy Created: 11/15/2018
We will be using the neural style transfer method for the project. Making things simpler we will ... 5 0 0 Style transfer wonders of India Abhishek Nandy Created: 10/03/2018
Eagle Eye solves the need for comprehensive Diabetic Retinopathy screening using image classifica... 5 0 0 Eagle Eye Siddhant Agarwal Created: 09/27/2018
This idea describes an approach to detecting mental stress using unobtrusive wearable sensors. Th... 6 0 1 Detect Mental Stress using Mobile Pulse app Sourav Lahoti Created: 10/20/2018
First Person Shooter game for Windows 10. Game uses Tensorflow Object Detection to control Desert... 6 0 1 DesertShooterXR Thabo Koee Created: 04/01/2019
Aiming to develop the Brazilian robotics team “ITAndroids”, I implemented a deep learning algorit... 7 0 0 Object detector for a soccer player Humanoid Robot using Deep-learning Lucas Steuernagel Created: 04/17/2018
The project aims to study and analyse how our brain perceives music which we're listening to and ... 6 0 0 Analysis and reconstruction of music percieved by the brain using EEG signals Alish Dipani Created: 10/01/2018
We are applying machine learning to computational drug discovery, focusing on cancer, immunology,... 7 1 0 AI for drug discovery Ho Leung Ng Created: 02/27/2019
Combat child pornography on the Internet. This project utilizes deep learning and computer vision... 2 0 0 rmnude Alessandro de Oliveira Faria Created: 10/02/2018