Intel AI Bootcamp November
I hosted two AI Bootcamps in November.The focus area was tools on Intel AI
I shared how the Open Sourced tools from Intel helps us different AI use-cases.I demonstrated
some of the work from Devmesh and encouraged developers to be part of it.
I touched on Reinforcement Learning with Unity ML agents with Intel Optimized Python.
I demonstrated how people can take advantage of NGraph and Plaid ML.
I did hands on Intel Optimized Python and showed also a bit on NLP Archi...
Intel Distribution of Python simulation
Talking about Intel AI Tools and technologies
In this article, we will introduce Reinforcement Learning Coach and see how it is utilized as a framework for implementing Reinforcement Learning scenarios. Finally we will look at a mechanism through which we connect Reinforcement Learning Coach with OpenVINO toolkit.
This is a project which comprises of both RL Coach as well Intel Open VINO toolkit.The project is broken down in two phases first training part done with RL Coach and next Optimization and inference part done with Intel Open VINO toolkit
Different kinds of Developer art
Tensorflow basics and tensorboard