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Silviu-Tudor Serban
Let's stop fatigue related accidents ...learn more
Virtual Reality, Robotics, RealSense™, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence
Fatigue kills.
Each year, countless lives (~1.3 million) and hundreds of billions of dollars are lost because people are too fatigued when they are behind the wheel.
Rather than focusing on last second detection, SmartTrans is all about the person behind the wheel, providing a holistic understanding of the human factor. We believe that for an optimal solution to this deadly problem, the person has to be at the core of the system.
SmartTrans relies on three main pillars to help people be less fatigued when they drive.
First, using our mobile app, people can manage information that is relevant to themselves.
Everyone is unique, and rather than only using Big Data to come up with averages, we offer recommendations specific to the individual, her/his schedule, and her/his lifestyle.
We know that some people simply do not have an option and have to be on the road for certain number of hours a day, or must get to their destinations no matter what. These are the people we want to help. The app is how they interact with the rest of our AI.
Second, our sensor kit takes into account the car or the truck environment because so much of what surrounds us will contribute to our fatigue and stress levels. And again, we are interested in the individual user. Our sensor kits monitor changes and spikes. This information is then used by the AI to give immediate, and actionable suggestions.
Finally, our vision kit uses state-of-the-art camera detection and facial recognition to look for the markers that show increasing fatigue. This technology is effective under various conditions including nighttime driving, and when the operator wears glasses*.
We are using computer vision technology from Intel to analyze this data in real-time, in the truck, so we can guarantee the highest level of privacy for the end-user.
All three systems come together and in real-time support the drivers. We can give them recommendations such as "There is a rest stop in 10 miles, you should take a 15 minute nap". Of course, we want to improve overall wellness for drivers, so SmartTrans can also give them recommendations around their sleep patterns or point them to professionals who can help them.
We are more than a technology solution. We are here to help people be healthier, and safer.