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OSVIACAM is a linux for quadriplegic ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Mobile, RealSense™, Networking, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence
Intel Technologies
Overview / Usage
OSVIACAM is a linux image bootable based on openSUSE Linux aimed at quadriplegic disabled. The image is in beta, but have features with computer vision (compiling with TBB and IPP) for comply with task for operate an operating system without mouse and keyboard. The differential of the project is to move the mouse with only the movements of the face.
Methodology / Approach
Using computer vision techniques, the face is tracked in real time to calculate the movement of the mouse without using hands.
The technologies used were OpenCV, TBB and IPP along with the technique of EVICAM Tool.
Technologies Used
Processor Intel;
openSUSE Linux;
Library OpenCV;
Library TBB;
Library IPP;
EVICAM package.