Open Vino Based Garbage Sorting
- 0 Collaborators
Open Vino Based object detection system using Movidius NCS trained using Devcloud deployed on a up squared development kit directly connected to modular control systems designed for segregation, waste movement and management. ...learn more
Robotics, RealSense™, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence
Internet of Things,
Student Developers for AI,
Movidius™ Neural Compute Group
Overview / Usage
India is one of the top polluted countries in the world. India alone generates more than 1,00,000 tonnes of solid wastes per day. India suffers from inefficient and insufficient waste management system. . At the dawn of civilization, villages were small and scattered, Land was abundant. People took the simplest solution to household waste management: find a bit of land not useful for anything else and dump all their wastes there. At that time, most of the wastes comprised only of organic wastes plus ash from fires, wood, and bones. Despite significant development in social, economic and environmental areas, SWM systems in India have remained relatively unchanged. In most of the cities waste is sorted and handled manually. Management of solid waste through collection, processing, transport and disposal is one of the big concern in India. Today, wastes consists mainly of inorganic, non- biodegradable, harmful and chemical wastes, which causes harm to humans, and the environment.
Here we solve that issue!