Mini Drone Game

Bob Duffy

Bob Duffy

Folsom, California

Designed for your backyard, two mini drones play a game of strategy mixed with piloting skill. ...learn more

Project status: Concept

Mobile, Robotics, Internet of Things, Game Development

Hacker Lab IoT

Overview / Usage

Simple objective; turn 2 rings to your color by flying through the rings and you win a point. Best of 5 wins the match. Three rings are equal distant from each other, however one is smaller and will turn the two larger rings to your color and a ring cannot change color when the drone is occupying the space of the ring.


Methodology / Approach

Intel IoT technology used to sense when the drones pass through rings and will illuminate LEDs on the surface of the large rings.

Looking for collaborators to determine right sensors and tech to build this out

Technologies Used



1 Result

1 Result

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