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A sample application that shows how to maximise code sharing to visualise 3D scenes among mobile platforms (Android, iOS), eventually using ARCore & ARKit and Microsoft Hololens ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Overview / Usage
If you think there's been a lot of talk about Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality this year, 2018 is going to blow you away. ARkit, ARCore, HoloLens, Magic Leap, Oculus and many others are working to transform our Reality with new products and services. Apple, Microsoft, Intel, Google and Facebook are approaching AR/VR from different perspectives and technologies: in this project we will see how these different technologies can work together and create a shared multi device experience.
Methodology / Approach
We are going to create a 3D scene using UrhoSharp, a C# Binding of the library Urho3D that will be shared among the mobile apps and the Hololens app. It is very simple to add more mixed reality platforms.
To create the mobile applications we are going to use Xamarin.Forms that will expose us a layer to render the 3D scene. A standard UWP application will do the same for the Hololens.
Using a particular project structure composed by shared projects and partial classes, we will be able to adapt the 3D application to the different input modes of the devices and to make use of platform specific libraries like ARCore.
Technologies Used