Event Activities

WTMDareToBe Talk
career improvement talk

We're excited to reconnect with the Intel developer community after a long break. Our event will feature technical talks on the latest Intel software solutions, including the powerful oneAPI software that enables maximum parallelism using a single programming environment across multiple devices. It's a great opportunity to learn and engage with the broader Intel developer community.

oneAPI Ai Analytics Toolkit demonstration

Evangelizing Generative AI and Intel® Technologies
The students from SENAC São Paulo - Bebedouro received today information about Generative AI Technology (Transformers) along with Intel® technologies such as oneAPI, openVINO and devcloud to run tests in Cluster with the latest Intel hardware and software in the market. More than 91 students attended the event and all showed great interest in the possible applications.

Deep Learning - Then, Now and Beyond
Gave a talk on the history of Deep Learning, right from the early McCulloch Pitts model to the modern day Large Language Models.

oneAPI Overview in Distributed Computing

Evangelizing Generative AI and Intel® Technologies
The students from ETEC Fernando Prestes in Sorocaba received today information about Generative AI Technology (Transformers) along with Intel® technologies such as oneAPI, openVINO and devcloud to run tests in Cluster with the latest Intel hardware and software in the market. More than 85 students attended the event and all showed great interest in the possible applications.

Evangelizing Generative AI and Intel® Technologies
The employees of the Metro of the city of SP received today information about Generative AI Technology (Transformers) along with Intel® technologies such as oneAPI, openVINO and devcloud to run tests in Cluster with the latest Intel hardware and software in the market. More than 290 participants attended the event and all showed great interest in the possible applications.

Incontro con gli studenti delle scuole secondarie