Creating a Quality of Service (QoS) plugin for leveraging QoS implementation on DPDK 3 0 4 Quality of Service implementation on SUJATA TIBREWALA (Intel) Created: 05/03/2016
A novel approach to build programmable network infrastructure for network functions virtualisatio... 6 1 4 VirtPhy: A Fully Programmable Infrastructure for Efficient NFV in Small Data Centers Cristina Dominicini Created: 12/16/2016
To create a VPP plugin utilizing Intel® QuickAssist Technology for data compression. 1 8 3 A VPP plugin utilizing Intel® QuickAssist Technology to perform hardware assisted compression operation. Anthony Chow Created: 12/18/2016
Open-source implementations of the LTE packet core (EPC) using principles of SDN and NFV. 0 1 0 Redesigning the LTE packet core using SDN and NFV Mythili Vutukuru Created: 12/13/2016