Ultrasonic Sight is an electronic device for mobility, sociality and welfare of blind and visuall... 13 6 0 Ultrasonic Sight Fabrizio Lapiello Created: 11/15/2015
Font Finder aims to intelligently recognize fonts used on physical print material or natural scen... 22 1 0 Font Finder – Intelligent typefont recognition using OCR Chris Barsolai Created: 07/31/2017
A novel approach to build programmable network infrastructure for network functions virtualisatio... 6 1 4 VirtPhy: A Fully Programmable Infrastructure for Efficient NFV in Small Data Centers Cristina Dominicini Created: 12/16/2016
Integrating gRPC at application layer with Intel's RDT at hardware layer to create efficient se... 30 0 1 gRPC framework to support application to utilize the Cache Allocation Technology of Intel's RDT Anthony Chow Created: 09/18/2017
Interactive Proximity using very simple analog circuit, without micro controller. 15 1 0 Interactive Proximity Wall FIRMANSYAH SAFTARI Created: 06/21/2017
The goal of this project is to enable the non-expert person by leveraging their smartphone to det... 17 0 0 Identifying Mosquito Species Using Smartphone Cameras Pratool Bharti Created: 03/24/2017
iOty is a project that implements DNNs at the edge for fast inference compared to a cloud-only ap... 24 2 2 iOty Dave Ojika Created: 09/06/2017
Build a mobile app for your connected project or product in less than 5 minutes 6 0 2 Blynk Pavel Bayborodin Created: 01/15/2016