Topics of interest
Málaga ,
University of Malaga
Our research group is particularly concerned about "productivity" in the context of high performance computing, or in other words, to achieve "performance without pain". From the computer architecture point of view we are in the multi-core, many-core and heterogeneous era. We have several CPU cores in our PCs, but moreover, recently we have seen a significant increase in the number of commodity multicore processors that include an on-chip accelerator, like a GPU, FPGA and/or DSP. Current desktops, ultrabooks, smartphones, tablets, and other embedded devices are powered by heterogeneous chips that feature several CPU cores along with an integrated GPU. Examples of these are Intel recent architectures, like FPGA Altera Cyclone V. To fully exploit these new architectures is a challenge from the software point of view, because they are more difficult to program and error prone than the old sequential architectures. Our research goals are to find new tools and programming models to alleviate these new difficulties.
Regarding the tools, we have been working in a parallelizing compiler able to detect dynamic data structures (list, trees...) in a sequential C code, and to identify the parallel loops that traverse these data structures. We also propose TBB-based schedulers for the parallel-for and pipeline templates, that are able to dynamically distribute the workload among CPU cores, GPU and FPGA accelerators.
On the other hand we also explore the field of new programming models. We are interested in the oneAPI environment, work stealing scheduling, pipeline and wavefront functional parallelism, and the Chapel parallel language.