Rock Paper Scissors implemented using openCV and Keras, with realtime data collection for trainin... 0 0 0 Rock Paper Scissors Amarjeet Sarma Created: 10/14/2018
CNN model to classify the number of fingers in an image. 0 0 0 num_fingers_classifier Amarjeet Sarma Created: 10/01/2018
Neural Style Transfer implementation in Keras. 0 0 0 Neural Style Transfer Amarjeet Sarma Created: 09/28/2018
CNN model to classify happy and sad faces. 0 0 0 Happy-Sad-Face-Classifier Amarjeet Sarma Created: 10/01/2018
A simple Cat Classifier using the Perceptron model implemented from scratch. 0 0 0 Cat Classifier Amarjeet Sarma Created: 09/28/2018
Face Filter that adds a clown nose to your face. 0 0 0 Clown FIlter Amarjeet Sarma Created: 10/22/2018
The title describes the project very well I guess : / 1 0 0 Blood Donation App Amarjeet Sarma Created: 09/28/2018
Implementation of LSTM to analyze the International airline passengers dataset. 0 0 0 Airplane Passenger Analysis Amarjeet Sarma Created: 09/28/2018