TNG Techday
Given a talk on Style Transfer AI
Get the most out of your training, scoring, algorithms and frameworks on Intel® architecture for Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence.
Given a talk on Style Transfer AI
Given a talk on Brain Computer Interfaces
Given a talk on Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
Given a talk on Shitposting AI
Given a talk on realtime deepfakes
Given a talk on Shitposting AI
Given a talk on Realtime Deepfakes
Given a talk on realtime Deepfakes
Give a talk on Brain Computer Interface Devices
Given a talk on realtime deepfakes
Delivered a Keynote address on "AI Application Development" as part of IEEE National Conference on Recent trends in IOT, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and its Applications organized by Sagar Institute of Research and Technology, Bhopal during 7th May 2021.
Discussion on Various Neural Networks - S2 - Episode 7
Discussed various neural networks - S2 - Episode 6
Discussed various neural networks - Season2 - Episode4
Discussed various neural networks - S2 - Episode5
Discussion on various neural networks - S2 -episode8
Talk: "Democratizing AI development by removing the traditional barriers of entry"