Remote controlled signals for soccer players
- 0 Collaborators
Winspiritus is an academic project we mentored at ESPRIT Mobile: it takes shape as a glove used by players to receive the coach directions ...learn more
Overview / Usage
Winspiritus presents a way of communication to simplify the interaction between the coach and players during training and games: change tactics , get statics, track player’s health signals…etc.
Winspiritus is solving the problem of the lack of communication between a football coach and his players. Instead of yelling and shouting, the coach can send vibrations and light signals to give them several orders like changing tactics or playing pressure.In fact, every player must have a glove ( will be a bracelet later ).
The commands are sent via a mobile app on a Windows Tablet and the communication is assured via the Xbee technology to assure low energy consumption and larger area covering.
The project was mainly targeting Intel Edison, but the size of the board was not adequate to the needs.
As all PIM projects we are mentoring ( acronym for "Projet d'integration mobile"), this project is made by 4 engineering students coached by one mentor. We are 10 Associate professors/R&D engineers mentoring 120 engineering students per year.