Overview / Usage
Unravel is my project to reengineer the internet (DNS and up). It will replace messaging, chat, social networking, search, media and file shareing, and a whole lot more. It will be open source and alow anyone to build anything they want on top of it. It will be built to be secure, and provide privacy, veryfyability.
At its core Unravel will be a mesh distributed database with an API to access the data. It makes heavy use of checksums and ECC encryption for encryption and verification. It is written in C for maximum preformance, and is built to run on anything from an enbeded device, to a phone, a PC or a super computer.
I dont like what the internet has become. Especialy I don't like the cloud. Today most comunication online happens using walled guarden intermediaries who store and inspect and triage everything. There shouldnt need to be any intemidiares to do any of the things we want to do, but right now we have to. I think that who controls information matters. I think that privacy matters. I think the user should be in charge, of what they see, and who they comunicate with, the software they run, and what information they store and share.
Maybe the rest of the world dont care about any of this. Maybe everyone else is happy with the internet we have. I'm fine with that, I'm just not fine with there not being any other options. Thats what im doing, I'm building another option, because I can, and because someone should.