Vibhu Goel
Delhi, Delhi
- 0 Collaborators
RedRayy- life saving app. "You ask for life, we give you blood" ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Overview / Usage
All in one app that provides basic medical supports along with a new feature of showing blood banks either in the entire city or in the vicinity of the user along with the quantity of blood requested by user present at the blood banks. It also has other features like calculation Body Mass Index of person and it has also has an Ask Red Cross button which can be used by the person when he/she is in danger. It also shows the distance of user from the blood banks. Also, users can request blood from other users.
Methodology / Approach
The following application is based on Android platform. The google firebase is used in this for the database.
Technologies Used
The following application is based on Android platform. The google firebase is used in this for the database.