Demonstration of Octomap-3D visualization by Pepper Robot(Softbank Robotics) using Robot Operating System-(ROS)
- 0 Collaborators
The OctoMap library implements a 3D occupancy grid mapping approach, providing data structures and mapping algorithms in C++ particularly suited for robotics Here,the Octomap is formed using the Front camera of Pepper & SONAR(Sound Navigation & Ranging) as Sensor for Navigation,which OctoTree is si ...learn more
Project status: Published/In Market
Robotics, RealSense™, Artificial Intelligence
Movidius™ Neural Compute Group,
Personal Robot,
Autonomous Driving
Intel Technologies
Intel Integrated Graphics
Overview / Usage
- this project aims for academic research and can be used in many vision application
- it can be used in robot vision applications
- it can be used for naviagation through camera thereby creating octomaps
Methodology / Approach
- deployed linux-based systems interfaced with robot
- interfaced ROS with robot
- developed algorithm for navigation
- trained the robot for creating octomap in environment
Technologies Used
- linux ubuntu16.04
- Robot operating system 1.0
- open cv
- gazebo
- rviz