Google Assistant controlled bot
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With this project you can control your bot with Google Assistant.. From anywhere in the world ...learn more
Project status: Published/In Market
Mobile, Robotics, Internet of Things
Intel Technologies
Overview / Usage
This project can be used for defence purposes like it can be used for detecting land mines if the required sensors are attached with the device.... By this we don't need to send a soldier... Just we can control the bot with our voice and the required data will be sent to cloud and from cloud the data will be monitored in our systems. This project is under progress.. So not only land mines but it can also detect some more required data as we need... For example we can get info of atmosphere at enemy place...etc etc..
Methodology / Approach
We are using cloud based there will be no problem of any range ...and this is not a remote controlled device... It can be controlled by an Android app or by google assistant... This is not a common project like obstacle avoiding robot or line following robot or Simple voice controlled robot which is of no use...Here we are using google assistant to control it so no matter what is the distance between the device and your mobile...May be your device is in India and you can control it from America..
Now Let is talk about how this is done.. You all might be aware about MQTT broker... So the concept has been used here.. we have used Nodemcu microprocessor because it has built in we have connected a Motor driver with node mcu...and the Nodemcu is connected to wifi and subscribed to a Adafruit MQTT broker... And we have set some applets in IFTTT app to toggle Google assistant with Adafruit... For example if we say in assistant that please turn left/right etc then IFTTT wil send value to adafruit MQTT to which the Nodemcu is subscribed...and then the data is sent to Nodemcu and Simone arduino code is written to control the robot using motor driver.
Technologies Used
Internet of Things (IoT), MQTT(adafruit ), Node Mcu, Arduino IDE,Motor driver (L298N), Google Assistant, an Android app .