GASIS(GASes Intelligent Sensing), código ANEEL PD-6471-0003/2017
- 0 Collaborators
Project status: Under Development
HPC, Networking, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence
Overview / Usage
Description: The objective of GASIS is the Wireless Remote Sensing of sensors and embedded systems for the monitoring of gas emission compliance in chimneys of thermoelectric power plants.
Status: In progress; Nature: Development.
Students involved: Undergraduate: (4) / Academic Master: (3) / Doctorate: (1).
Methodology / Approach
The development of the application is carried out with a team of members of the area of computation and in parallel, the members are developing research focused on the monitoring of atmospheric emissions.
Technologies Used
AngularJS, NodeJS, Python, R, MongoDB, Bash, Linux, IBM Servers, NGinx, etc.