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Game Making For Everyone - available on Steam for the PC ...learn more
Project status: Published/In Market
Intel Technologies
Intel CPU
Overview / Usage
Have you always dreamed of making a game but have no wish to delve into mystical code. GameGuru allows you to fulfill your dreams in a non-technical, fun and extremely easy to share way.
With GameGuru you can build your own world, using easy to use, creative and enjoyable tools. Populate your world by placing down characters, weapons, ammo and other game items, then, by pressing just one button your game is built automatically for you, ready to play.
Want to share your creation with others? With GameGuru you can literally make a multiplayer game in a few minutes, including hosting and sharing your game online via Steam multiplayer. You can also export your game as a standalone and distribute your creation, even sell it royalty and license free!
Methodology / Approach
Built using DirectX 11, GameGuru supports full PBR rendering, meaning your games can both look great and take full advantage of the latest graphics technology.
Technologies Used
Windows PC