- 0 Collaborators
FRIENDGUN is a submission to Ludum Dare 43 ('Sacrifices must be made'). In it, players combat dark forces with their gun. Unfortunately, the only ammunition available is the people of your hometown. ...learn more
Project status: Concept
Virtual Reality, Game Development
Intel Technologies
Overview / Usage
Project was just a personal challenge for Ludum Dare 43 - I tried my best in the 72 hours allotted to whip together something entertaining and true-to-theme.
Methodology / Approach
I had the concept down within an hour or two of receiving the theme. I felt that it needed to be 3D (not my strong suit).
I'm in luck - I had a VR rig set up, and while I hadn't done much in Google Blocks, I decided to fire it up and see if I could put together a small village/town.
The rest of the models were create in Blender (bullets, gun).
Faces were drawn in Krita, voices were recorded (by me, going 'wah') and edited in Audacity.
All of it was thrown together using Unity and Visual Studio.
Technologies Used
Unity - Game Engine
Google Blocks - 3D Modeling in VR
Audacity - Audio Editing
Krita - Image editing
Laptop (most work) -
Lenovo Ideapad FLEX 4-1580
Intel Core i5-7200
Desktop (VR work) -
Intel i5-8600k
HTC Vive