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When you are looking for something but cannot find it in the entire video you watched for an hour. Like you want to study how to create buttons in html, you watch an entire video of tutorial but couldn't find that ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Overview / Usage
DetectiveU is a search engine built for text inside youtube videos. It is a chrome extension that extracts text and then a user can just search for terms and navigate to the exact video location where the word has been mentioned. It lets you easily navigate through the video, quickly find and lets you to certain parts you are looking for.
Methodology / Approach
We first converted youtube videos to mp3 files using youtubedl and stored it to the google cloud storage. This audio file was then used by the google speech to text API to create a list containing the words and its corresponding timings in the video. Once a query for a particular term has been made, the video navigates there. Apart from this we have used python's Natural Language Processing tool to eliminate all the unnecessary stop words and print the list of the most used words. All this was added to a chrome extension.
Technologies Used