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CodeWheels – AMR robot development kit powered by Intel

Maksim Masalski

Maksim Masalski

Gdańsk, Województwo pomorskie

Educational and development robot kit designed for STEM education, and R&D robotics projects. Powered by Intel hardware and software Intel EI for AMR. ...learn more

Project status: Under Development

Robotics, RealSense™

Intel Technologies

Overview / Usage


I'm pleased to publish the second generation of the robots. It is time to remove ultrasonic sensors, low-power compute boards and upgrade robot with the 3D Realsense camera, the latest Intel CPUs to make robot more powerful and up-to-date.

New solution is a robotic rover kit, that is intended to discover the capabilities of the latest Intel's hardware and software. The new robot has the latest Intel CPU, Realsense camera, LiDAR bundled with the Intel Robotics SDK2.0 software, and optimised for this robot.

Everyone can do a small step into the giant and prospective future of real self-driving AMR robots. Students, programmers, makers, and enthusiasts with help of Intel software EI for AMR can start programming robots.

The mission of the CodeWheels AMR Development kit is to attract AMR developer, makers, students in schools and universities, enthusiasts, and programmers to program self-driving robotic cars, based on Intel® products. Using the CodeWheels robot IT and automotive companies can start to develop prototype solutions based on Intel hardware and software.

The main advantage of the CodeWheels robot -is no need to build a robot from scratch, the robot is already ready-to-run, assembled, and set up.

On the robot are installed:

  • Robotic chassis has four wheels with four electric motors.
  • Motor control boards
  • Powerful Intel board based on NUC
  • Intel Realsense camera D435i or D455/457 support
  • LiDAR (optional)
  • Plastic cover body
  • Controlled by Intel Robotics SDK2.0 based on ROS2

Planning activities:

Right now the plan is to design online tutorials and curricula for European and US schools following appropriate educational standards. We also plan to create an online workshop for teachers and students explaining about capabilities of using this robot in the educational institution or building a project based on it.

We also plan to develop CodeWheels X games, where teams can compete and program robots to solve the given task during the competition. This competition can attract universities to purchase our robots and form student teams.


Some photos of the old generation robot you can view in our gallery, we also had competition, and now is time to move to a new stage with the new version of the robot.

Methodology / Approach

Using Intel Robotics SDK2.0 to power a software capabilities of the robot to run a Visual SLAM and navigation.

Technologies Used

Intel Robotics SDK2.0

Collaborative SLAM

FastMapping algorithm


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