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A arduino Library that allows to program Arduino in Portuguese from Brazil ...learn more

HPC, Internet of Things

Student Developers for AI

Overview / Usage

A library that allows programming in Arduino language using commands facilitated in PT-BR.

According to a study by Education First, EF EPI (EF English Proficiency Index) 6th edition, published in November 2016, Brazil appears as 40th placed in English proficiency level, a study carried out with 72 countries, with a score of 50.66, which is considered "Low" by the study. Such a deficiency in the English language is further accentuated in the less privileged social classes.

With the low English proficiency rate presented by Brazil, many Brazilians find it difficult to program because the native language in which the commands are written is English, often not being able to associate the word "if" with "if" ", thus creating a barrier, which often distances the Brazilian from the technological development environment.

We at Brasilino believe that by breaking this initial barrier, we create the incentive for these Brazilians to have the first contact with the Arduino platform, thus developing their own solutions, and from this first contact, they may break the paradigm that programming is difficult, and when only the language is the last barrier, through a gradual migration, from programming in Brazil to programming in Arduino, the language barrier can finally be removed.

Brasililino is an open library and counts on the participation of the whole community, through the needs encountered by users, we can increasingly create more intuitive and simplified commands to use, promoting as soon as the library facilitates more and more the insertion of new Brazilians.

Available in https://github.com/OtacilioN/Brasilino

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