Bone Fracture Identifier
- 0 Collaborators
A new form of Artificial Intelligence in the field of Medicine, "Bone Fracture Identifier" If an X-ray image is provided to it, this AI, will predict, what kind of a fracture it is, whether a transverse fracture or oblique or spherical, etc. The advantage comes when this AI is integrated with an X-ray machine. If it is attached to an X-ray Machine, the type of fracture and the place of fracture (and if required, the remedy) can be known at the when an X-ray is generated from the machine. The accuracy is more than 75%. ...learn more
Project status: Under Development
Overview / Usage
A new form of Artificial Intelligence in the field of Medicine, "Bone Fracture Identifier"
We all have seen how doctors look at the X-ray to find the fracture and to further find out what kind of fracture it is,
In order to avoid this difficulty, I have generated an AI named as Bone Fracture Identifier. If an X-ray image is provided to it, this AI, will predict, what kind of a fracture it is, whether a transverse fracture or oblique or spherical, etc.
The advantage comes when this AI is integrated with an X-ray machine. If it is attached to an X-ray Machine, the type of fracture and the place of fracture (and if required, the remedy) can be known at the when an X-ray is generated from the machine.
I have successfully made the AI (not yet fully developed) and have shown good results till now. The accuracy is more than 75%.
The accuracy can be improved by feeding it with more data sets and will be done over time.
{special request: it's quiet difficult to get the data set of various types of bone fracture X-rays. If any one have the data set, please mail it to me at or at}
Methodology / Approach
The Methodology /approach used in here is to make use of the classifier and prediction model.
By training it to the required accuracy this will be of great benefit.
Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Technologies Used
Artificial Intelligence at it's best with the help of a classifier model.
Machine Learning
Deep Learning