An inventive and innovative system to detect fall of old aged persons
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An inventive and innovative system to detect fall of old aged persons – A novel attempt with IoT, Sensors and Data Analytics to prevent the ...learn more
Overview / Usage
According to the statistics of NCOA (National Council on Aging) these days rate of deaths in the old aged people has reached a critical state that for every 11 seconds an older adult is being treated for a fall and for every 19 minutes a death is taking place. Most of the old aged people are suffering from the back pain, joint pain, knee pain and they mostly are the ones who aren’t able to walk properly and are mostly constrained to bed. Statistics by north eastern Ohio state reveals that, the rate of emergency room treatment of fall-related injuries in persons aged 75 and older approached 80 per 1,000 per year in women and 60 per 1,000 per year in men. Falls are indications to some critical problems like immobility, fragility of bones and chronic health impairment. Falls in elders vary from that of the falls in kids, as the healing power in the old people slackens with their age. Falls are going to play a crucial role in the health line of the old people. Due to the falls there will even be a huge impact on the heart. Old people with heart diseases when falls suddenly, there is risk of being affected by Tachyarrhythmia which is typically a heart disorder in which the heartbeat raises to an abnormal rate of more than 100 beats per minute which is approximal to an cardiac arrest. So, in order to reduce these type of risks in elderly people , We present a frugal and affordable system that could monitor the motion of the old people and can detect their fall. Detection is not done before the fall or when person remains in rest state, it detects immediately after fall and alerts the concerned persons to do the necessary action to save the person. We use IoT, Sensors and Data analytics to build this system. The system is tested for its functioning and is fool proof.