Alzheimer's Detection
- 0 Collaborators
Eye movement when reading could be an early indicator of Alzheimer's. So tracking the eye movements can help in predicting Alzheimer's. ...learn more
Project status: Concept
HPC, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence
Movidius™ Neural Compute Group,
Student Developers for AI
Overview / Usage
Researchers have suggested that alterations in eye movements when reading could be linked to impairments in working memory and an early indication of Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers found that the patients with a diagnosis of probable Alzheimer's disease showed a decreased ability to predict the next words in a sentence based on contextual information, including sentence meaning and grammatical structure, when compared to the control group.
Knowing the possibility of having Alzheimer's can help the possible patient prevent it by doing brain exercises, like solving puzzles, etc, which makes the brain healthy and thus prevents Alzheimer's.
So I will be tracking the eye movements of the patients while they read the text. And extract the coordinates of their gaze and the eye position and then feed it to the neural network where it will try to predict the chances of having Alzheimer's based on its training on some positively tested patients and some negatively tested patients.
Methodology / Approach
Alzheimer’s disease alters fundamental ocular functions. In this section, we review how the disease changes saccades, smooth pursuit, and pupillary responses. Saccades are the fast, darting movements of the eyes that shift gaze from one spatial location to another, and can either be directed towards a target (prosaccade) or away from a target (antisaccade). Smooth pursuit occurs when the eyes continuously follow or track a moving target. Pupillary responses are the dilations and constrictions of the pupils that are controlled by the autonomic nervous system but are also affected by the central nervous system.