A Comparitive Study of Employee Attrition Analysis Using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques - Presented this paper at the 6th International conference on Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies.
Employee Attrition is a serious issue pertaining in most organizations. Employees quit their jobs and their positions and are never being replaced or their job roles. At times shifting the workload over to the shoulders of existing employees. Employee Attrition, Employee turnover, and Employee Retention need to be looked over from various perspectives. Therefore, we have taken the IBM employee dataset, which is analyzed for inferring the various insights using machine learning and deep learning methods. Here for the analysis of data, we have used deep learning methodologies and machine learning techniques to gather more valuable insights than using the traditional methods. This analysis helped rigorously for the analysis of employee attrition, and retention and in fact more about turnover. This paper opens up brand new insights about employee attrition, employee retention, and employee turnover