Room-scale experience for SteamVR-compatible headsets where you fight giant dinosaurs in the midd... 19 0 0 "Gozilla" VR Room-Scale Experience for SteamVR Pablo Farias Navarro Created: 08/09/2017
Font Finder aims to intelligently recognize fonts used on physical print material or natural scen... 22 1 0 Font Finder – Intelligent typefont recognition using OCR Chris Barsolai Created: 07/31/2017
hydroMazing is wireless solution for monitoring sensors and peripheral appliances such as fans, l... 13 1 2 hydroMazing Smart Garden System Cory Potter Created: 06/14/2017
Utilize sensors to develop a home fingerprint that can aid in home automation. 16 0 0 Home Fingerprint Rose Day Created: 07/28/2017