The aim of the project is to create an object localization framework, which can work without havi... 6 0 0 Object Localization Without Bounding Box Information Using Generative Adversarial Reinforcement Learning Eren Halici Created: 10/18/2018
The goal of this project is to show that without using high dimensional more costly data, we can ... 5 0 0 Human Action Recognition from Limited training data Krishanu Sarker Created: 10/16/2018
This idea describes an approach to detecting mental stress using unobtrusive wearable sensors. Th... 6 0 1 Detect Mental Stress using Mobile Pulse app Sourav Lahoti Created: 10/20/2018
We developed a CNN based classifier to automate point annotation method for coral species analysi... 6 0 0 Coral Species Classification and Automated Annotation Md Modasshir Created: 10/31/2018