This is a tensorflow implementation of A Neural Algorithm of Artistic Style 6 0 0 Neural Style transfer Prajjwal Bhargava Created: 11/26/2017
Universal Language Modelling (ULMFit): Transfer Learning was kind of limited to computer vision ... 6 0 0 Language modelling Prajjwal Bhargava Created: 03/07/2018
Person Re-Identification is still a challenging task in Computer Vision due to variety of reasons... 6 0 0 Incremental Learning in Person Re-Identification Prajjwal Bhargava Created: 08/22/2018
This research mainly concerns with addressing the issues which lie in retaining information in ne... 6 0 0 Incremental Learning Prajjwal Bhargava Created: 07/21/2018
Implementation of various architectures of Generative models (DCGANs, WGANs ,CycleGANs.). 6 0 0 Generative Modelling Prajjwal Bhargava Created: 12/30/2017
Object detection for autonomous navigation systems. This project provides core support for perf... 1 0 0 Autonomous Object Detection Prajjwal Bhargava Created: 08/31/2019
Transformer Models in NLP. Better support for transformer models like BERT,OpenAI Transformer in ... 0 0 0 Transformer Models Prajjwal Bhargava Created: 12/07/2018
Tensorop is a Deep Learning library built over Pytorch to accelerate research in the simplest man... 0 0 0 Tensorop Prajjwal Bhargava Created: 12/07/2018
Implementation of recurrent neural networks using LSTMs for language modelling. 0 0 0 Recurrent neural networks Prajjwal Bhargava Created: 08/07/2017
Implementation of modern object detection algorithms like Yolo v3, RetinaNet 0 0 0 Object Detection Prajjwal Bhargava Created: 06/11/2018
Aim of this project is to make machine learning accessible to more people ! 0 0 0 Machine learning programs Prajjwal Bhargava Created: 07/21/2017
This Documentation is meant to provide you an idea of how Intel architectures work and how you ... 0 0 0 Intel AI Documentation Prajjwal Bhargava Created: 04/16/2018
Natural Language Processing with Small Feed-Forward Networks 0 0 0 feedforward-NLP Prajjwal Bhargava Created: 10/05/2017
Using CNNs to authenticate face (DeepFace Implementation) - in Progess 0 0 0 Facial recognition Prajjwal Bhargava Created: 10/05/2017
Implementation of CNNs for handwritten digit recognition 0 0 0 digit-recognition-using-cnn Prajjwal Bhargava Created: 10/05/2017
Recommender Sysems using Deep Learning 0 0 0 Collaborative Filtering Prajjwal Bhargava Created: 03/07/2018
Tensorflow implementation of Capsule Networks ("Dynamic Routing between Capsules" by Geoff Hinton... 0 0 0 Capsule Networks Prajjwal Bhargava Created: 03/07/2018