Machine Learning 101
Machine Learning 101 (Webinar) (IoT)
Machine Learning 101 (Webinar) (IoT)
Exploring the Fundamentals of IOT (Webinar) (IoT)
IOT For All - Industry 4.0 in face of Disruption (Webinar) (IoT)
Introduction to ML and AI with OpenVINO Toolkit (Workshop) (Artificial Intelligence)
Demonstrating Flux - A movidius based Targeted Advertising solution (Demo) (Artificial Intelligence)
Intel - Enterprise AI Meetup (Demo) (Artificial Intelligence)
Build in Intelligence on the Edge with Azure and Movidius (Speakerships) (Artificial Intelligence)
AI Deep Learning Seminar - Jan 2018 - Omkar Khair (Training) (Artificial Intelligence)
AI Worskshop ThoughtWorks - Jan 2018 - Omkar Khair (Training) (Artificial Intelligence)
Getting Started with Artificial Intelligence (Demo) (Artificial Intelligence)
Machine Learning Workshop - BITS Pilani Goa Campus (Speakerships) (Artificial Intelligence)
Building Blockchains on the Cloud - April 2017 - Omkar Khair (Speakerships) (IoT)
IoT for All April 2017 - Omkar Khair (Speakerships) (IoT)
Alexa Skillsets and Integration - March 2017 - Omkar Khair (Meet Up) (IoT)
Case stydu: LIOTA for Datacenter monitoring (Meet Up) (IoT)
End to End Iot solution (Training) (IoT)
Building a BLE Peripheral on Intel Edison (Training) (IoT)
Maker Circle (Meet Up) (IoT)
Building wearables using Intel Edison + Xadow board (Demo) (IoT)
Mentorship (Training) (IoT)