Virtual Reality Talk - March 2017 - Frida Dwi Iswantoro
Virtual Reality Talk - March 2017 - Frida Dwi Iswantoro (Speakerships) (IoT)
Virtual Reality Talk - March 2017 - Frida Dwi Iswantoro (Speakerships) (IoT)
Bekraf Developer Day - Bogor : Game Track - MArch 2017 - Frida Dwi Iswantoro (Speakerships) (IoT)
How to Finish Product and Publish a Game (Speakerships) (GameDev)
Game Industry Overview (Speakerships) (GameDev)
Bekraf Developers day - Indonesia - July 2016 (Speakerships) (IoT)
Bengkel Gamelan (Demo) (IoT)