A single library including which you can automatically bring the power of AI into your website, m... 0 0 0 Aify Anubhav Singh Created: 02/09/2020
A Library of Binary Swarm Optimization algorithms, consisting of - Binary Genetic Algorithm Bina... 1 0 0 Feature Selection using Binary Swarm Optimization Anubhav Singh Created: 02/21/2021
Vison enables quick search through images, audio and video using multimedia itself. Private 1 0 0 Vison - Multimedia Search Engine Anubhav Singh Created: 05/17/2019
Scratch like tool for Machine Learning which allows drag-n-drop deployment of machine learning pi... 0 0 0 Scratch4ML Anubhav Singh Created: 11/07/2017
The creation of high-resolution panorama has been a problem to which people have sought a solutio... 1 0 0 Panorama of High Resolution Satellite Imagery using Distributed Public Compute Nodes Anubhav Singh Created: 05/17/2019
An OCR tool to extract text in multiple languages automatically using the Tesseract library by Go... 0 0 0 Multilanguage OCR Anubhav Singh Created: 11/10/2017
'Dev Assistant' aims to re-package the project shift or setup methodology via the voice-based int... 0 0 1 Environment Manager - Dev Assistant Manisha Biswas Created: 05/17/2019
The ‘Binge-watch’ is an Alexa skill for PC which recommends movies based on the movies a person h... 1 0 1 Binge-Watch Manisha Biswas Created: 05/17/2019
A voice and visual interface that will help children to learn and interact with gestures and voic... 1 0 1 Alexa Skill for Kids Manisha Biswas Created: 05/17/2019
In this project, we developed a reinforcement learning model which given any road network and any... 0 0 0 AI Controlled Traffic Management System Anubhav Singh Created: 09/05/2018